A one hour experience... a life time memory.

Book an escape room?

You'll find the best escape rooms at Live Escape!

Looking for an escape room near you? At Live Escape we have a wide range of escape rooms, for young and old alike!

Escape rooms zijn een leuke en interactieve manier om tijd met vrienden door te brengen en tegelijk je puzzel-oplossend vermogen op de proef te stellen. Iedereen die wel eens aan een escape room ervaring heeft meegedaan zal het ermee eens zijn: escape rooms zijn geweldige uitjes voor jong en oud! Deels avontuur, deels een meeslepend plot, en een heleboel puzzels en raadsels die jij samen met je team moet beantwoorden om je weg uit het gebouw te vinden. De escape rooms van Live Escape zijn een leuke combinatie van fysiek avontuur, kritisch denken, en spel in één.




Live Escape offers blood-curdling unique Escape Rooms in the bustling center of Rotterdam and Amersfoort.

An Escape Room is a room full of secrets with exciting puzzles that you, along with a group of friends or colleagues, must solve within an hour to escape. Do you think you can handle it?



A tantalising atmosphere, sensational effects, phenomenal interaction; our escape rooms are 'next level' and demand everything from you to solve the puzzles within the context of the theme.

So you think you're ready for it? Guess again...

The aim of an escape room is... to escape!

But at the same time figuring out what is going on: the captivating plot turns an escape room into an immersive event for you and your friends. The décor, sound effects, props, scene and lighting all contribute to the overall story and experience, to keep you and your party permanently enthralled.

Our escape rooms not only offer hours of entertainment, excitement and thrills, but are also excellent for team building. Our escape rooms are extremely effective because a group of people must work together to succeed. Team members can solve problems faster than if they were working alone because they can combine their wits, mental resources and brainpower. This is why we host countless companies and their staff in our escape rooms, as we are excellent for team building activities.

Je kunt bij ons terecht voor kinderfeestjes en horror escape rooms. Je kunt zelfs met 2 personen een escape room doen!



These groups took up the challenge and managed to escape! Can you do it too?


To get out of the room, start looking around!

Keep your eyes open for patterns or connections, and keep in touch with your colleagues, friends or family. You will be able to discover answers if you work together. To advance in the game, you must solve puzzles, find clues, and crack codes.

In a short time, you can change yourself from someone who walked into an escape room to someone who is able to overcome any obstacle. There are barely two minutes left, and you still haven't found the last clue. Will you make it, or is time catching up with you...?

Oh, wait a minute! The solution is obvious: you sprint towards it, the adrenaline is racing through your body... and you've done it! You have reached your goal. Congratulations! On to the next room.


Serelda Gildbrandsen
Serelda Gildbrandsen
Superleuk en spannend ook voor een groep van 8. Minder eng dan lab13 maar minstens even leuk. Volgende keer de volgende kamer!!
Mels Witberg
Mels Witberg
Hele leuke ervaring gehad! Klaas, Romy en Indy hebben ons goed gehollen. Zeker aan te raden.
Thijs Cox
Thijs Cox
I must say it is very well done. The staff is friendly, you pay in advance for only one person and there are 3 rooms you need access to before you are at the final door.
Op vrijdag 8 september 2023 hebben wij, een groep van 6 personen, de escape room bezocht. Hoewel deze review wat laat is, wilde ik toch graag mijn ervaring delen. Het was een bijzonder warme dag toen we bij de locatie aankwamen, waardoor we al bezweet aankwamen. Gelukkig zorgde de enthousiaste uitleg van de medewerker ervoor dat we meteen in het verhaal werden gezogen. Daarnaast werden verwelkomd met koude drankjes. Ik kan me niet precies herinneren welke kamer het was, maar het was een hotelkamer. Helaas was er in de kamer weinig tot geen ventilatie aanwezig. Er hing slechts een kleine ventilator aan het plafond, die eerlijk gezegd nauwelijks hielp. Dit was onze eerste keer in een escape room als groep, dus ik kan niet veel zeggen over de inhoud van de kamer. We deden er echter lang over omdat we de hints gewoon niet begrepen. Hierdoor kwamen we nog bezweter uit de kamer dan we erin gingen. Twee van onze vrienden moesten zelfs hun shirts uittrekken vanwege de hitte. Ondanks deze uitdaging was het wel een leuke ervaring. Het enige echte probleem was de gebrekkige ventilatie in de kamer. We zouden zeker weer een escape room willen doen, maar misschien liever in de winter!
Top ervaring gehad in lab 13, niet te makkelijk, spannend veel teamverband onderdelen en overall een aanrader. Wij hadden begeleiding van Klaas,Romy en Indy
Ricardo Stofbergen
Ricardo Stofbergen
Very fun rooms
Jeroen Hardon
Jeroen Hardon
The people who work there are very friendly, and the Escape rooms themselves are well made!
Chris Butler
Chris Butler
Very enjoyable. Really challenging. Well worth the money.
sven javier
sven javier
Vanaf het moment dat we arriveerden op de locatie, werden we hartelijk verwelkomd door een vriendelijke dame. De manier waarop ze het verhaal van de escape room bracht, was echt fantastisch en gaf een heerlijk griezelige sfeer, waarbij ik echt dacht: "Waauuuwww". De ervaring in kamer 1409 was buitengewoon plezierig en ik zou het ten zeerste aanraden aan iedereen die het wil proberen.

An escape room experience everyone will enjoy

To develop an escape room experience, at Live Escape we create an escape room that everyone will enjoy and look back on with pleasure for years to come. We combine fun, excitement, adventure and a gripping story. For more information, simply contact us.



Contact us if you have any further questions

Will I really be locked up in an escape room?

You betcha! That's the whole idea of an escape room. You are locked up and the only way to escape is by solving puzzles and riddles in 60 minutes, while we provide adrenaline kicks. Of course we guarantee that you will always be safe in our escape rooms.

Throughout the hour you will be watched minute by minute by our staff, if for any reason you would like to stop they can make sure that all the doors open and all the lights come on with literally the push of a button.

How many escape rooms does Live Escape have?

In the meantime there are already 7! At our location in Rotterdam you can play 4 escape rooms and at our location in Amersfoort we have 3 escape rooms available. Each escape room has its own theme, character and mysteries.

What does it cost to play an escape room?

You can play an escape room at Live Escape from as little as 20 Euro per person. Our prices are based on the day and time. For example, weekdays or mornings are cheaper than weekends. Want to know exactly what it costs for you? Check out the booking tool! You can book right away when you're ready.

With how many people can we play an escape room?

Onze escape rooms zijn geschikt voor 3-8 personen. In totaal hebben we 7 escape rooms.

Please note that 'being late' is deducted from your own time!

How can I cancel an escape room?

We can change or cancel your escape room reservation problem- and free of charge, as long as you do so at least 7 days in advance. Do you want to cancel less than 7 days in advance? Then we kindly ask you to give us a call.

The following conditions apply
The cancellation fee is € 70 per game, moving the play date to another time within 4 weeks can be done for € 25.

In case of "no-show" without prior consultation and written response, the full amount will always be charged!

The number of players can be changed up to the last minute as long as the minimum and maximum numbers per game are met. Exceptions to this are arrangements and bookings made in advance.

Can we eat and drink before or after the escape room?

Sure! We hebben op onze vestigingen gezellige wachtruimtes met een bar waar je lekker wat kunt drinken en wat kunt eten. Wist je trouwens dat we ook arrangementen aanbieden? Navigeer naar de vestiging van keuze en bekijk de mogelijkheden per locatie.

Are escape rooms a fun company event?

Absolutely! Perhaps the most fun company outing you've ever experienced, even if we say so ourselves. Escape rooms are exciting, you get to know your colleagues in a completely different way, the atmosphere in your company outing is right there from the first minute, and at the same time you have to work together with your colleagues to escape in 60 minutes....

By the way, did you know that we also offer packages for company outings?

See the options in Rotterdam
See the options in Amersfoort

Are escape rooms scary?

You can be sure that our escape rooms will give you a serious adrenaline rush (if not: scare the hell out of you every now and then), but they are not very scary. Above all, it must remain fun for young and old. It is and remains a game!

And although you are really locked up in our escape rooms, our staff will keep an eye on you every minute of the hour. That may be a comforting thought. Moreover, every escape room is equipped with a stop button. As soon as you press it, the game stops immediately, the lights go on and the doors open.

Where are Live Escape's escape rooms located?

Wij hebben momenteel een vestiging in Rotterdam en een vestiging in Amersfoort. Iedere vestiging heeft zijn eigen compleet unieke escape rooms.

Booking an escape room is easy and quick to do on our website

There are countless escape rooms throughout the Netherlands, but booking the most fun escape room is easy with us. Your time in our escape rooms will be spent in an interactive atmosphere packed with riddles, puzzles, and clues that will help you in your quest to escape. With us you will find the most fun escape rooms equipped with a story that guides your mission to relax: from the beginning to the end of the escape room.

An escape room offers many advantages; it is not just a fun outing. Trying to escape from an escape room can even help those who don't know each other very well to improve the bond between them. Taking part in an escape room with a group of friends or colleagues is undoubtedly the ideal way to get to know each other better.

Book now!


Are you ready for a fun experience or do you just have a question? Please contact us using the form below, we will be happy to help you!

Westblaak 13
3012KC Rotterdam