In één uur beleef je iets wat je nooit zult vergeten.

Live Escape Amersfoort

Escape Room Amersfoort - Live Escape

Live Escape biedt vier meest geboekte escape rooms van Amersfoort en omstreken. Denk jij dat je het aandurft?

Met ‘Theft at the Morque’, ‘The Wizard School’ , ‘Cabin 666’ en ‘Museum Heist’, bieden wij vier fenomenale escape rooms in Amersfoort. Je komt op een fantastische set waar de spanning is om te snijden. Je wordt opgesloten en moet via raadsels en opdrachten de uitweg zien te vinden. Samen met je collega’s, vrienden of familie moet je binnen 60 minuten uit de ruimte zien te ontsnappen…

Our escape room requires participants to work together and communicate with each other to succeed. They can be a great icebreaker on dates, a fun time with your friends, or a fun way to reconnect with your family around the holidays. Our escape room in Amersfoort has a lot to offer for everyone, including children of all ages.

Fancy an escape room experience with friends, family or colleagues? Then choose Live Escape's escape room!



Onze escape rooms in Amersfoort-centrum bestaan uit vier fenomenaal ingerichte ruimtes met ieder een eigen thema en wel heel uniek sfeertje.

Traditionally, of course, the end goal of an escape room is to escape from the room by solving puzzles and eventually unlocking the door. At Live Escape, we want to go further! We are huge fans of logic, puzzles and spectacular effects and strive to give you an unforgettable experience. We do our best to give you an adventure outside the norm, we provide interaction and challenge you to find solutions to realistic issues within the theme of the room.


Live Escape biedt vier fenomenale escape rooms, ieder met een eigen uniek thema en puzzels die gekraakt moeten worden. Wist je dat wij de meest geboekte escape room van Amersfoort en omstreken zijn?

Escape rooms Amersfoort - at Live Escape you can't have your fun!

However, the great thing about the escape games in our escape room is that you always have the opportunity to free yourself if you have your wits about you! Join one of the escape rooms in Amersfoort with a group of adrenaline seeking, puzzle-solving friends and experience the thrill of a lifetime!

In general, an escape room team consists of a diverse set of traits and personalities who must be able to work well together. In an escape room scenario, when the clock starts ticking, all participants must make the best use of their limited time and quickly make well-considered choices. Are you looking forward to it?

Book now!



These groups took up the challenge and managed to escape! Can you do it too?


Our escape room offers a fun time as well as new skills

When participating in team building through escape rooms in Amersfoort, participants work together to try to escape from a locked room by solving puzzles, riddles and codes, and following clues displayed during the activity.

Our escape rooms can help you gain a wide range of new information and abilities in a fun and engaging environment that you can apply to real-world circumstances. Live Escape immerses you and your fellow players in an immersive environment that has been shown to increase participants' ability to learn.





Serelda Gildbrandsen
Serelda Gildbrandsen
Superleuk en spannend ook voor een groep van 8. Minder eng dan lab13 maar minstens even leuk. Volgende keer de volgende kamer!!
Mels Witberg
Mels Witberg
Hele leuke ervaring gehad! Klaas, Romy en Indy hebben ons goed gehollen. Zeker aan te raden.
Thijs Cox
Thijs Cox
I must say it is very well done. The staff is friendly, you pay in advance for only one person and there are 3 rooms you need access to before you are at the final door.
Op vrijdag 8 september 2023 hebben wij, een groep van 6 personen, de escape room bezocht. Hoewel deze review wat laat is, wilde ik toch graag mijn ervaring delen. Het was een bijzonder warme dag toen we bij de locatie aankwamen, waardoor we al bezweet aankwamen. Gelukkig zorgde de enthousiaste uitleg van de medewerker ervoor dat we meteen in het verhaal werden gezogen. Daarnaast werden verwelkomd met koude drankjes. Ik kan me niet precies herinneren welke kamer het was, maar het was een hotelkamer. Helaas was er in de kamer weinig tot geen ventilatie aanwezig. Er hing slechts een kleine ventilator aan het plafond, die eerlijk gezegd nauwelijks hielp. Dit was onze eerste keer in een escape room als groep, dus ik kan niet veel zeggen over de inhoud van de kamer. We deden er echter lang over omdat we de hints gewoon niet begrepen. Hierdoor kwamen we nog bezweter uit de kamer dan we erin gingen. Twee van onze vrienden moesten zelfs hun shirts uittrekken vanwege de hitte. Ondanks deze uitdaging was het wel een leuke ervaring. Het enige echte probleem was de gebrekkige ventilatie in de kamer. We zouden zeker weer een escape room willen doen, maar misschien liever in de winter!
Top ervaring gehad in lab 13, niet te makkelijk, spannend veel teamverband onderdelen en overall een aanrader. Wij hadden begeleiding van Klaas,Romy en Indy
Ricardo Stofbergen
Ricardo Stofbergen
Very fun rooms
Jeroen Hardon
Jeroen Hardon
The people who work there are very friendly, and the Escape rooms themselves are well made!
Chris Butler
Chris Butler
Very enjoyable. Really challenging. Well worth the money.
sven javier
sven javier
Vanaf het moment dat we arriveerden op de locatie, werden we hartelijk verwelkomd door een vriendelijke dame. De manier waarop ze het verhaal van de escape room bracht, was echt fantastisch en gaf een heerlijk griezelige sfeer, waarbij ik echt dacht: "Waauuuwww". De ervaring in kamer 1409 was buitengewoon plezierig en ik zou het ten zeerste aanraden aan iedereen die het wil proberen.

When you leave the escape room Amersfoort, you have the feeling that you have really achieved something

You are aware that you have to think outside the box and go against the grain to function in a group. Throughout the escape room experience, you are given the opportunity to reflect on both the difficult and rewarding moments. You then realize that you have made memories that you will cherish for the rest of your life. What you take away is a sense of accomplishment, as well as memories of great people and an unforgettable experience.



Please contact us if you have any further questions.

Will I really be locked up in an escape room?

You betcha! That's the whole idea of an escape room. You are locked up and the only way to escape is by solving puzzles and riddles in 60 minutes, while we provide adrenaline kicks. Of course we guarantee that you will always be safe in our escape rooms.

Throughout the hour, you will be watched from minute to minute by our staff, and if for any reason you should want to stop, they can literally press a button to make sure all the doors open and all the lights come on.

How many escape rooms does Live Escape have?

Intussen zijn het er alweer 8! Op onze vestiging in Rotterdam kun je 4 escape rooms spelen en op onze vestiging in Amersfoort hebben we ook 4 escape rooms in de aanbieding. Iedere escape room heeft zijn geheel eigen thema, karakter en mysteriën.

What does it cost to play an escape room?

Je kunt bij Live Escape al vanaf 19 Euro per persoon een escape room spelen. Onze prijzen zijn gebaseerd op de dag en het tijdstip. Doordeweeks of in de ochtend is bijvoorbeeld goedkoper dan in het weekend. Precies weten wat het voor jou kost? Check de reserveringstool even! Kun je gelijk boeken als je er klaar voor bent.

With how many people can we play an escape room?

Onze escape rooms zijn geschikt voor 3-8 personen. In totaal hebben we 8 escape rooms, verdeeld over de vestigingen Rotterdam (4) en Amersfoort (4).

Please note that 'being late' is deducted from your own time!

How can I cancel an escape room?

We can change or cancel your escape room booking without any problems, as long as you do so at least 7 days in advance. Would you like to cancel less than 7 days in advance? Then we kindly request you to call us at 085-13 07 411.

The following conditions apply
The cancellation costs are € 70,= per game, moving the game date to another time within 4 weeks is possible for € 25,=.

In case of "no-show" without prior consultation and written response, the full amount will always be charged!

The number of players can be changed up to the last minute as long as the minimum and maximum numbers per game are met. Exceptions to this are arrangements and bookings made in advance.

Can we eat and drink before or after the escape room?

Sure! At our location in Rotterdam and Amersfoort we have cosy waiting rooms with a bar where you can have a drink or eat something. By the way, did you know we also offer packages? Navigate to the location of your choice(Rotterdam or Amersfoort) and check out the possibilities per location.

Are escape rooms a fun company event?

Do the math! Perhaps the best company outing you have ever experienced, if we do say so ourselves. Escape rooms are exciting, you get to know your colleagues in a completely different way, the atmosphere in your company outing is there from the first minute and at the same time you have to work together with your colleagues to escape in 60 minutes...

By the way, did you know that we also offer packages for company outings?

See the options in Rotterdam
See the options in Amersfoort

Are escape rooms scary?

Our escape rooms will give you a serious adrenaline rush (if not: scare you every now and then), but they are not really that scary. Above all, it has to be fun, for young and old. It is a game!

And although you are really locked up in our escape rooms, our staff will keep an eye on you every minute of the hour. That may be a comforting thought. Moreover, every escape room is equipped with a stop button. As soon as you press it, the game stops immediately, the lights go on and the doors open.

Where are Live Escape's escape rooms located?

We currently have a branch in Rotterdam and a branch in Amersfoort. Each branch has its own one hundred percent unique escape rooms.

Escape room booking as company outing in Amersfoort

Employees are encouraged to communicate with each other and express themselves in ways they would not normally do in the workplace because of the setting of the live escape game. It stimulates the senses, it helps improve critical thinking and problem solving skills, and team building and communication skills are enhanced.

And as we work together to escape from the room and share the feeling of accomplishment that comes with a successful escape, colleagues will get to know each other much better! By the way, do you live in the Randstad? Then check out our escape rooms in Rotterdam soon too!

Live Escape is known throughout the Netherlands

They can be found almost everywhere and their popularity is only increasing. The appeal of our escape room is huge! Live Escape focuses on cooperation between members of the same team rather than rivalry. They are designed to foster a sense of unity and strengthen bonds between team members.

An escape room is a great way to connect and create lasting memories with others, regardless of the intended purpose of the game (team building, a birthday, bachelorette party, and more!).

Special packages for escape rooms for the whole family

Live Escape created escape room games to strengthen relationships between adults and children. More and more parents are curious about our escape rooms because they are eager to try a new activity with their children. Are you looking for a game to add life to your birthday party? Kids love puzzles! Unlike a traditional Escape Room, the prices for our games are very affordable. We offer a variety of games for both adults and children.

Escape Rooms are a great way to promote team building

You can also strengthen cooperation between team members at our escape room in Amersfoort! An escape room is all about cooperation between members of the same team instead of rivalry. This can lead to better communication, a sense of belonging and improved performance in the workplace.

At our escape rooms, we offer a wide range of games suitable for team building. Our games challenge participants to use their problem-solving skills, express their creativity and develop strategies to solve puzzles. Each game is designed to provide a unique challenge and to help participants improve their teamwork skills.

Our escape room in Amersfoort is ideal for company outings and team building events

Playing our escape room can help improve the atmosphere and strengthen team spirit. It can also be a great way to meet new colleagues and generate new ideas with this company outing.

If you're looking for a unique and exciting way to strengthen your team, our escape rooms are the perfect solution. With an array of games to choose from and an experienced team to guide you, Live Escape can help you take your team to the next level. Stop by and find out what we have to offer for you and your team! Questions or want to know more? If so, feel free to contact us without obligation.

Our escape rooms offer the perfect balance of challenge and fun

We make sure that all the puzzles and riddles in our games are logical and achievable, while still providing enough challenge to keep it exciting. Best of all, our games are not just about solving puzzles, but also about teamwork and cooperation between team members.

Whether you are celebrating a birthday party, having a bachelorette party or just looking for a fun activity to do with friends or family, our escape rooms in Amersfoort are the perfect choice. Our goal is to provide everyone with an unforgettable experience, whether you are young or old, experienced or new to the world of escape rooms.


Are you ready for a fun experience or do you just have a question? Please contact us using the form below, we will be happy to help you!

Groningerstraat 176
3812 EG Amersfoort center